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It's with regret we're needing to downscale

are rehoming Remy and Sonia.

our breeding program and therefore

We're not expecting them to be homed to

the same family, but would entertain

that possibility as they do get along well. 

The rehoming fee for each is only the cost 

of their neuter/spay (scheduled later this month).

Please contact me by email: 

OR text: (541) 288-4546.

unique personalities and needs. ~Rachel

I would love to explain more about their

Remy ~ 1 year, 9 months old ~ rough coat tri color

Remy is a really good natured farm boy who loves patrolling and watching over the land. He doesn't seem to enjoy town life much and prefers to be in his quiet home in the woods. He could most likely become accustomed to the city with constant training. Remy's favorite activities are playing

fetch and going on trail walks.

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Sonia ~ 3 years old ~ smooth coat sable merle

Sonia's never whelped a litter-she's just not

into the making babies part. Sonia is smart, alert, energetic, loves cuddles and attention. Sonia can be temperamental around some female dogs. This may get better after her spay but as for now, we're looking for her to be the only dog in her new family. Sonia has a high drive for hunting squirrels, birds, etc. She also loves to play fetch, and being with people.

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